About elevator
General characteristics
Elevator is located in Dnipropetrovsk region, near the city of Pavlograd.
The total volume of disposable storage of grain – 45 thousand tons, of which:
- reinforced concrete silo – 24 thousand tons
- metall silo – 17 thousand tons
- floor storage – 4 thousand tons
The elevator of Grain Tech Agro LLC (GTA LLC) is a subsidiary of Grain Power LLC.
Operating speed
We can take up to 3 thousand tons products per day on two independent lines.
Shipping capacity:
- railway wagons – 54 wagons in 36 hours (route, 2 load points)
- motor vehicle – 2 thousand tons in 24 hours (5 load points)
The elevator is equipped with its own certified grain laboratory and is certified according to the system HACCP.